Friday, March 27, 2009


My oh my, God really blessed us this evening. I'm warm and fuzzy...and giggly...just thinking of the fun we had. Let me explain...

Working nights as a Nanny is so much fun, but it causes me to waste my days on sleep and when Jason got off work this evening, I was determined to break through my cabin fever and enjoy the beautiful weather before the sun went down. We called friend after friend, all of whom were busy with other plans (we are so last minute...I have a feeling that parenthood will change that), so I was feeling a little discouraged about being "all dressed up with no place to go".

Jason convinced me that I was hungry so we went to our favorite little Mexican food restaurant downtown, where Friday nights are jumping! After eating, we decided a walk would be nice so we made our way to the local cafe where live music set the backdrop for our double fudge brownie and white wedding mocha. While sitting on the brick in front of the "big mural", we realized that the sugar was attacking our bodies at a rapid rate and the only way to cope was a little game of frisbee (which by the way, I am HORRIBLE at).

Ten minutes into our game, a beautiful girl of Asian decent asked to join us and being the outgoing folks that we are, we were thrilled with the opportunity to meet someone new. As we threw the frisbee, our new friend asked our ages (she's 17), our marital status, our life history, etc. When she asked if we had children and we told her that we are adopting, she smiled real big and said, "Hey! I'm adopted!" ...woah!

Needless to say, it took everything for me to refrain from pulling out my notepad and asking her a series of questions. As we continued to play, she offered up additional information about how she feels to be adopted into a Caucasian family, how her friends react when they meet her parents, and how much fun she has with her extended family. Not only was she beautiful, outgoing and pleasant to be around, but our new friend was also super exited to share with us that she loves attending church and is thankful for her parents. My heart swelled with joy as Jason and I traded glances every few moments, knowing that God had just paid us a visit.

Several moments into our conversation, I looked up from throwing the frisbee to see a flock of little girls, most under the age of five. Their big eyes were fixed on the frisbee and when we invited them to play, two joined in while the others shyly watched from the sideline.

Near Jason, stood a 3-foot ballerina. Between turns of throwing the frisbee, she would twirl and twist and summersalt and kick, adding her flare to the game. At one point, when her arms were in the air, I asked if she liked to cheer. She said, "Yeah, I share my toys all the time." Jason looked to me with a huge smile and mouthed, "ssshhhhaaarrrreeeee, not chhheeeeeer".

The smallest of the girls, a sweet little Cuban doll, stood near me and each time I threw the frisbee her way, it would slip through her tiny little hands. "Almost", I said, trying to encourage her to continue playing. Before long, when the frisbee would drop at her feet (or anyone else's for that matter), she would yell in her adorable baby girl voice..."ALMOST!" We laughed so hard...over and over and over again. Although we tried to switch things up by saying, "Nice try!" and "So close!", she ignored our attempts. She liked "Almost" stuck, and we laughed.

While fixing my shoe, I looked up to see Jason surrounded by little girls. Instead of ignoring them or shying away, he was deep in conversation, learning all about the sand gardens that they were going to make at school tomorrow...Saturday ;)

And it hit me - here is this man who was out to enjoy a night off from the world. He wanted to relax, unwind, eat some sugar and be a "grown up" on a Friday night but instead, he was knee-deep in five year-old girls who just couldn't get enough of him...and it seemed as though he couldn't get enough of them either.

Friends drove by on their bikes, others enjoyed dinner on an outdoor patio and despite the "grown up" distractions, Jason chose to play frisbee with me and a bunch of sweet little girls. It was such a special picture, a prophetic moment if you will, and I am thankful that God allowed me to have a glimpse of the plans He has for our marriage. Oh, how blessed we will be.

And all the while, with crocodile tears welling up in my eyes, I silently asked the Lord, "When, God? When?" Above all of the chitter chatter, the yelps and the giggles, the sweet little Cuban girl repeatedly said, "ALMOST!"

When we got in the car to leave, we looked at each other and laughed. It was although words were not required - we understood what the other was thinking...

And so it begins...well, almost. =)

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